Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Red barn mosaic painting

 This has to be one of my favorite paintings!! I  created it using acrylic colors on a 24x30x1.5'' framed cotton canvas and finished it with a clear coat gloss to protect it plus it adds to a stained glass/ mosaic effect seen in my art work. I have always loved stained glass art, so one day  decided to mimic the stained glass and paint it on a small wood end table, the result was fabulous! I was pleasantly surprised when it sold within hours.  That was four years ago and seems to be a style of painting I continue with.  In this painting I am a big fan of red barns so that is where I fields..sunflowers..rolling hills even the fence along the bottom.. it stirs up sounds, smells and peaceful feelings of a young girl in my hometown of Ladner BC. Fresh air and wide open spaces. Wild berries and fruit trees and so many colors from God's garden. Ever just stop and ponder life in an open farmers field as a kid? Let this painting take you there...

1 comment:

  1. Super equestrian blog! Why not come and post it at Haynet for more to follow? Come and visit
